Deadpool & Wolverine, the latest Marvel film, hit cinemas at the end of July. After a long break, comic film fans finally returned to the MCU, and what better way to celebrate than with the comeback of Wade Wilson, the world’s cheekiest mercenary, and Logan, probably the best-known X-Man.
The film has already grossed over one billion US dollars at the box office – the milestone was announced all over social media by Disney. The 34th Marvel film has established itself as the second most successful film of the year, just behind Inside Out 2.
Smashing success
Initial forecasts for Deadpool & Wolverine promised an extremely successful opening at the box office, and the action-packed film delivered exactly that. On its opening weekend, the film grossed over 400 million dollars worldwide.
This is not surprising for a Marvel film, as the Avengers films achieved similar figures. However, keep in mind that Deadpool & Wolverine has an R/15 rating meaning that there’s a smaller audience of people who can watch it.
For director Shawn Levy and the cast and crew, this is a great success. Currently, only Inside Out 2 (also a film distributed by Disney) stands in the way of first place with a box office of around 1.6 billion dollars. This is also a family-friendly film, meaning tickets can be sold to a wider pool.
One of the most successful Marvel films
Deadpool & Wolverine is currently the 15th most successful superhero film of all time. As far as Marvel’s own ranking is concerned, Captain Marvel (2019), Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Captain America: Civil War (2016) and Iron Man 3 (2013) are currently just above it.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) and Avengers: Infinity War (2018) are still the undisputed leaders with box office takings of over 2 billion dollars each. Whether Deadpool 3 manages to get anywhere near this figure will probably depend on the next few weeks – the secret cameos are now being advertised to draw in new viewers.
Will there be a Deadpool 4?
After this groundbreaking success, most fans are expecting a fourth instalment of Deadpool. There is a lot of joking about the MCU in the film itself, and Ryan Reynolds himself has stated that he would love to play the role of Deadpool again in a major MCU film.
Hugh Jackman is also likely to receive an offer or two for another film following his successful return as the mutant Logan. However, there is currently no official confirmation from Marvel or Disney.
The next Marvel film will be Captain America: Brave New World – you can find out more about how Deadpool fits into the Marvel timeline here.
This article originally appeared on our sister publication PC-WELT and was translated and adapted from German.