Collecting bills is a reality for most people. Over the course of a few years, some people will create several accounts for specific reasons and then leave them. This is something that Google acknowledges and is taking action against. According to 9To5Googledeletes Google Gmail accounts that have been inactive for 2 years.
It’s easy to accumulate a large number of Google accounts. Sometimes you need to create an email address for a company or maybe you want to create a YouTube channel. The thing is, it can be difficult to keep track of all the accounts you create. So it is common for people to have several accounts that are just collecting dust.
Google will delete and activate Gmail accounts
By inactive, Google means you haven’t logged into it for two years. So if you’ve logged in at all in the past 2 years, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter if you don’t actively use it as your main email account.
If you are worried about losing your precious data, you can rest easy for several reasons. First, Google isn’t going to start deleting emails until December of this year. In the meantime, the company will continue to send notifications in the months leading up to the takedown. It sends notifications to the main email address and the recovery email address if one is assigned.
In order for an account to be considered inactive, you must also Real have to give it up completely. If you’re using a device that’s signed in to that account, that counts as activity. It also applies to downloading an app with that phone, watching a YouTube video on that account, reading emails, using Google Drive, using search, etc.
What is deleted?
Almost everything. Google doesn’t stop at deleting emails. The company will delete everything from emails to Google Drive files to photos and videos. However, the company said it will not remove YouTube videos.
This is all a move to help with security. Older Google accounts likely reused passwords and are unlikely to use two-factor authentication. This makes it much easier to be infiltrated. If you delete the data associated with those accounts, Google will have less of your data that is vulnerable to theft.
One thing to note is that while the accounts are being deleted, Google is not allowing people to reuse the email addresses associated with them. If you want to keep your old Google accounts, it’s important to log in now and figure out what you want to do with them.