An unfortunate criticism of Big Pharma is that it really doesn’t discover drugs. Rather, it licenses drugs that originated in labs that utilized government funding and manufactures and sells these medicines for outrageous prices. Typical is this exchange between N.Y. representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Professor Aaron Kesselheim of Harvard Medical School at a Congressional hearing.
AOC: “Would it be correct, Dr. Kesselheim, to characterize the NIH money that is being used in development and research as an early investment? So, the public is acting as an early investor in the production of these drugs. Is the public receiving any sort of direct return on that investment from the highly profitable drugs that are developed from that research?”
AK: “No, in most cases there is – when those products are eventually handed off to a for-profit company, there are not licensing deals that bring money back into the coffers of the NIH. That usually does not happen.”
AOC: “So the public is acting as an early investor, putting tons of money in the development of drugs that then become privatized, and they receive no return on the investment that they have made.”
AK: “Right.”
This view has been perpetuated for a number of years and, as would be expected, has generated the outrage of the public. How can the Biopharma industry be allowed to get away with this? Should the government “march-in” and take a piece of the profits that are being garnered by industry?
In fact, at the behest of the Biden Administration, the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released for public comment a “Draft Guidance on March-In Rights.” The purpose of this guidance is to develop policies that will enable the government to march-in and usurp patents that emerged from government funding in order to be able to set prices for such drugs or to allow other manufacturers to market these drugs at lower prices.
Lost in all of this rhetoric is a fundamental question: just how many drugs would this apply to? Actually, a recent study by Vital Transformations shows that, in reality, very few drugs would qualify for “march-in rights.” It turns out that of the 361 pharmaceutical products that the FDA approved between 2011 and 2020, just five – fewer than 2% – could even be subjected to full march-in rights. Thus, drug price changes prompted by successful march-in petitions would be negligible at best.
As a result of these data, a bipartisan group of 28 Senators and Congressmen, including Senator Coons (D-Del) and Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), have written a letter to President Biden urging that he reject NIST’s draft guidance. These legislators are concerned that such a policy would disastrously disincentivize innovation as “the increased risk of losing control over critical patents threatens to deter the private investment necessary to commercialize products incorporating federally-funded research, preventing the public from benefitting from that research.” The legislators also fear that adoption of such a policy would apply to all types of technologies and products, not just pharmaceuticals. “Entrepreneurial startups from green technology and precision agriculture to advanced computing and semiconductors – would be subject to march-in petitions challenging their pricing decisions by rival businesses and even foreign competitors and adversaries who would use this tool to cast a cloud over the companies that drive our economy.”
The thought that all drugs arise from government funded research is a fallacy. Government funded research is important, not just in pharmaceuticals but across a host of industries. However, this is the first step in the development of cutting-edge products. It takes industry decades and often billions of dollars to capitalize on early laboratory observations. March-in rights will have little impact on drug prices but its threat will cast a chill over crucial research and development efforts by the public sector.
(John L. LaMattina if the former president of Prizer Global R&D and is the author of three books including: “Pharma & Profits: Balancing Innovation, Medicine, and Drug Prices.”)